Family Dentistry

Comprehensive Dentistry

Family and General Dentistry

Family Dentistry for children and adults - Chandler, AZ 85248Dr. Chaffin and the Ocotillo Dental Care team provide routine and specialized family dentistry in a friendly and comfortable environment.

Family dentistry and general dentistry are primarily preventative dentistry practices. They are considered to be the first level of defense against dental abnormalities.

Our services focus on age-specific dentistry needs.

  • Children’s Dentistry for the treatment of children’s dental problems. You determine your child’s lifetime oral health!  Healthy eating habits and good oral hygiene are critical in the early years. With advanced dental care, dedication to good hygiene, and a sensible diet, your child could reach adulthood without ever experiencing dental decay. However, your children’s dental health could suffer long-term without commitment to good habits. The Centers for Disease Control and the Surgeon General have announced an epidemic of dental decay not seen before fluoridation. America’s “on the run” diets of processed foods, sweets, and “hidden” sugars have caused cavity rates to soar to pre-World War II proportions. Ocotillo Dental Care places a special emphasis on preventive education for young and teenage patients and on establishing positive relationships. If your children don’t look forward to routine preventive care appointments – as many of our moms and dads tell us they do – we feel we haven’t lived up to our goals and your expectations.

In addition to general dental care, we provide:

  • Instruction & encouragement for proper brushing and flossing
  • Practical guidelines for a healthy diet
  • Sealants – protective coatings proven effective in preventing decay
  • Sports guards – to protect those teeth against the other team!
  • Specialized care for specific situations – see next section for examples

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that you visit your family dentist for a checkup a minimum of two times yearly. Such checkups provide routine or deep cleanings to eliminate plaque buildup and prevent tooth decay. If necessary, we provide fluoride treatments to help coat the teeth, a procedure also important in preventing tooth decay. Preventative dental checkups can help detect oral health problems long before the onset of symptoms.

On some visits, X-rays are taken to help detect cavities and other tooth and jaw problems. If a cavity is detected during a checkup, we can provide treatment with a dental filling before it develops into a more serious problem that may require a dental crowndental implant, root canal, or other restorative dental procedures.

We also provide state-of-the-art services in tooth whitening for a beautiful smile and smile makeover for our patients who seek the ultimate aesthetics in their smile.

Learn more about family dentistry services and make your appointment today!

Map of Ocotillo Dental Care, Chandler, AZ 85248
Ocotillo Dental Care - Store Front


3165 S Alma School Rd, Ste 26
ChandlerAZ 85248
Office: (480) 855-1994

Office Hours
Monday7:00AM – 4:00PM
Tuesday7:00AM – 4:00PM
Wednesday7:00AM – 4:00PM
Thursday7:00AM – 4:00PM
Friday7:00AM – 4:00PM

Christopher Chaffin, DDS

A leader in
Cosmetic Dentistry
Dental Implants

Dental Associations - Credits - ADA - IOIC fellowship - Clinicians Report