Gum Tissue Reduction - Crown Lengthening

Create a more pleasant looking smile

Gum reduction with a crown lengthening procedure can create a more pleasant looking smile, enhancing facial beauty. We remove excess tissue that may be interfering with chewing and normal dental function.

Soft Tissue Plastic Surgery

dental gum reduction before after

Soft tissue procedures include:

  • Reshaping or removing gum tissue (Gingivectomy). These procedures are done for periodontal or esthetic reasons or in order to gain access to decay. Soft tissue reshaping may be done to gain proper shapes and forms for teeth and or restorations.
  • Clipping muscle attachments (Frenectomy) This procedure may be used to remove an attachment that is interfering with normal speech or causing excessive soft tissue loss around teeth. This procedure is also done in conjunction with orthodontics to close excessive space between teeth.
  • Removing soft tissue growths (Fibroma removals, Hemangioma removals.) This procedure is used to remove excess tissue or growths that may be an esthetic or functional problem.
  • Gently removing swollen tissues (Gingivoplasty). This procedure is used to remove excess tissue caused by systemic disease, medication, or poor oral hygiene.

Dr. Chaffin will provide you with more information and help you decide if oral crown lengthening is the most appropriate method to achieve your goals.

Call our Chandler dentist office and make your appointment today!

Map of Ocotillo Dental Care, Chandler, AZ 85248
Ocotillo Dental Care - Store Front


3165 S Alma School Rd, Ste 26
ChandlerAZ 85248
Office: (480) 855-1994

Office Hours
Monday7:00AM – 4:00PM
Tuesday7:00AM – 4:00PM
Wednesday7:00AM – 4:00PM
Thursday7:00AM – 4:00PM
Friday7:00AM – 4:00PM

Christopher Chaffin, DDS

A leader in
Cosmetic Dentistry
Dental Implants

Dental Associations - Credits - ADA - IOIC fellowship - Clinicians Report